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High Hygienic Water Bottling Line

High Hygienic Water Bottling Line

Complete hygiene and less consumption
Product consultation Tel:0574-65836556
High Hygienic Water Bottling Line
Product introduction


This machine is suitable for filling mineral water, purified water and other non-carbonated beverage in PET bottles. The 100 grades purification unit is optional for customers, part of the equipment meets the requirements of 100 grades. The enclosed structure provides a dry and hygienic filling environment.



· The whole interior space and internal circuits of the equipment are strictly controlled right from bottle infeed and product infeed.

· Thanks to its ergonomic design and easy maintenance. There is no bottle gets jammed or fall down from rinsing, filling to capping, improve the reliability of each single machine.

· With compact structure and small footprint, overall investment is reduced.

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